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Welcome in the amazing world of
Welcome in the world of Gwenn Nicolay and Nicolas D’Avell, two famous Belgian musicians and sound engineers
teaming up to become the most amazing duo.
On stage, be ready to dance, jump and sing along with the two entertainers…
It all started with one idea: Gwenn plays the guitar, the bass and sings and Nico is a drummer and a piano player.
How could they make that happen on stage? Well, they started looking for solutions and they discovered machines
that could make it happen. Loopstations, Ableton live, midi synths and pedals, and of course hours and hours of
brainstorming were needed to give full expression to their endless creativity.
But they always keep in mind that all this technology has one simple goal:
The perfect party to make you dance and sweat all night.
Come and check their show on stageand be ready for
the most powerful and energetic performance.